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If you are pregnant or hoping to be, consider for a moment your expectations of giving birth. Are you expecting a wonderful natural, easy and painless experience, one of the best experiences of your life? You should be. Sadly, though, many women anticipate this happy event with fear and trepidation. And it’s no wonder. We are bombarded with scare-stories about childbirth. How many times have you heard the phrase ‘as painful as childbirth’? And how frequently have you heard the gory stories of complications and medical interventions? Unfortunately so many of the happy tales of easy, natural, pain-free births go untold in favour of this peculiar form of female machismo. So, is it surprising that women are anxious and tense? And when we are tense and fearing the worst, our expectation of ‘pain’ becomes a reality. Think pain, get pain.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Childbirth is a natural process and one that women’s bodies were designed for. So why not learn how to get out of your body’s way and allow it to do what it is made to do, so naturally and easily?
I offer three programmes depending on how close you are to your due date. Each programme involves a combination of face to face sessions (including teaching hypnobirthing, using hypnosis and related psychological strategies) and home-play using hypnotic recordings and other exercises. Hypnobirthing can be helpful at any time throughout pregnancy but the earlier you start the more empowered you feel for more of your pregnancy and the more you enjoy the whole process. Why sell yourself short? Start today!
Before 30 weeks (more than 10 weeks before due date)
Approx. 4 hours + 2 Recordings.
1st Session 90 minutes
2nd Session (one week after 1st session) 1 hour + Pregnancy Recording
3rd Session (6 weeks before birth) 90 minutes + Birth Recording
Between 30 – 34 weeks (6-10 weeks until due date)
Approx. 3 hours + 1 Recording
1st Session 90 minutes
2nd Session (1 – 2 weeks after 1st session) 90 minutes + Recording
After 34 weeks (less than 6 weeks until due date)
Approx 2.5 hours + 1 Recording
½ hour telephone session
2 hour f2f session
1 Recording
Please Note: My case load is currently full so I am not taking on any new clients. To find a therapist who uses a similar approach, please visit my training website: or click the button below to find a list of my alumnae, now qualified practitioners.
Thank you!